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How to Prepare Your Child for Kindergarten

Starting school can be intimidating for any child, and the same goes for parents. Still, that’s a challenge you must face together sooner rather than later. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 86% of five-year-olds are already in school. Your job as a parent is to prepare your child for this new chapter in their life. Learn how to prepare your little one for kindergarten by following the tips below.
Enroll Them in a Toddler Program
A toddler program is the perfect space to prepare toddlers for kindergarten, where math and ELA lessons take place once a basic understanding of letters and numbers is established. Your child will develop more confidence in an environment dedicated to learning through play. This setting is also ideal for improving your toddler’s social-emotional skills before they are introduced to the more structured kindergarten classroom.
Teach Basic Hygiene and Cleanliness Habits
Although we understand that young students can have some messy habits, they don’t have to carry over into kindergarten. Now that your little one can understand instructions better, they can improve their hygiene and cleanliness.
Basic habits like wiping their face after eating, washing their hands, using the bathroom on their own, and putting away their belongings can help your child remain neat. Practice those habits at home so your tot will have no trouble staying clean at school.
Talk Openly About the School Experience
Kindergarten marks the start of formal education for most kids. Unfortunately, not all kids are excited about that. While your tot will gain experience being around little ones in their toddler program, it’s important that they understand expectations at the next level. Make kindergarten preparation exciting by having a countdown on your calendar for their first day, telling them about all the fun snacks you’ll pack for them, and all the toys they’ll be able to play with.
How can you ensure that kindergarten becomes a pleasant experience for your child? Preparing them for that stage of education certainly helps. Follow the steps above to get your child ready with ease. You can also enroll your little one in private preschools in Aventura that provides the best toddler program to get them adequately prepared! We’re eager to work with your family soon.